
League of Legends Season 14 – Day 1 Reactions

League of Legends Patch 14.1 - Season 2024

The 2024 season of League of Legends, season 14, has kicked off, and the game changed drastically. The 14.1 League of Legends patch introduced the most drastic changes to the game we all know and love in years. From changing the terrain and the jungle to items and champions, everything is new and ready for you to explore. With the first 24 hours of the day over, let’s look at the early outliers of day one of season 14 and what champions are showing potential. 

Mages are OP in League of Legends season 14

Easily, the biggest winners of the season 14 changes in League of Legends are AP Mages. The new AP items are much more powerful than their previous versions. With more ability power and their potent new passives, they are no joke to take on. The early standout champions include burst champions like Neeko, Diana, Ekko, and Katarina, who simply love having more stats to deal damage. 

However, it isn’t only in the mid-lane that mages are making an appearance. In League of Legends’ top lane, champions like Kayle, Teemo, and Mordekaiser love their new tools, and their winrates skyrocketed compared to the last patch. However, for now, the undisputed kings of the top lane remain your known entities, with Jax and Trundle still performing better than any other champion due to their insane tower-pushing ability. 

The new jungle is as varied as ever in Season 14

Many of the changes from patch 14.1 affect the Jungle position more than anyone else. There is much to learn and explore, with new objectives to fight for in the early game and various changes to the classic buff-camps. In addition, buffs to some old favorites like Rengar and Xin Zhao mean they are back to brawl and are quickly approaching the top of every jungler’s tierlist. 

However, a discussion of the new junglers wouldn’t be complete without mentioning Evelynn. Evelynn benefits in several ways from the new patch, with the obvious being that new AP items make her much more threatening. However, the most significant aspect that improves Evelynn’s strength in League of Legends is the changes to the terrain of Summoner’s Rift. She now has much more freedom to sneak around. Especially the changes to the top side of Summoner’s Rift, where the lane is much more open, are something that benefits Evelynn’s stealth ability. 

Supports in the League of Legends 2024 season

Meanwhile, Supports this season got a drastic item overhaul. The most prominent aspect is removing the support’s starting items, which Riot Games replaced with a combined version, the World Atlas. The World Atlas upgrades twice as players reach 500 and 1000 gold generated by the item, after which they choose what to transform it into. The six new support items continue to grant support’s passive gold after transforming, in addition to their unique passives and base stats. 

As expected, engage supports remain king in League of Legends ranked mode. Your usual suspects, Blitzcrank, Rakan, Thresh, and Nautilus, still reign supreme. However, with the increased gold support champions can access in the 2024 season, champions like Bard are quickly gaining popularity. 

Read about the upcoming Mythic Shop Rotation for 2024 and our Mordekaiser champion guide for more League of Legends content. 

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